Getting in a car accident is a major inconvenience, and if your vehicle is badly damaged during the collision, you will have to spend the time to work with the insurance companies and auto repair shops to make sure that it gets fixed. Between monthly payments, insurance costs, and money spent maintaining your vehicle, you likely have a lot invested in your vehicle, so you probably want to make sure that it is repaired right. Use the following tips when you need to get your car repaired after a collision:
Get Several Estimates
When your car is in a wreck, it is worth your time to have a few different auto shops take a look at your car and provide you with a list of the exact repairs needed, and how much it will cost. This will give you a good idea of exactly what was damaged in the accident, as well as a point of reference for the charges involved in fixing your vehicle. The price estimate will be important if the accident was your fault and you don't have a comprehensive auto insurance policy that covers collision repairs.
Make Your Own Decision in Regard to the Repair Shop Used
Insurance companies typically have a list of recommended auto repair shops that they have contracts with. These contracts usually stipulate that the repair shop will charge a lower rate, but they make up for it with higher business volume. Some insurance recommended repair shops can be great, while others may be mediocre. But what it comes down to is the fact that you are not required to have your vehicle repaired at an auto shop that the insurance company recommends. If you already have your car worked on at a repair shop that you trust, or if you are interested in using a repair shop that is not on the insurance company's list, you are allowed to do so.
Push for Original-Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Parts
Original-Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) auto parts are brand new and made by your car manufacturer. They are often more expensive than generic parts or used auto parts salvaged from vehicles, but if your vehicle was damaged in a collision that was not your fault, ask the repair shop to use OEM parts when repairing your vehicle. Since they are brand new, and specifically made for your car model, they will typically last longer and have a longer warranty period than generic or used auto parts.